I’m proud of my reputation of taking on tough issues and getting things done for Hoosiers. I pride myself on being an independent voice, who does the right thing for my constituents in Marion and Hendricks Counties.
Putting People First: Getting Things Done
Protecting Hoosiers
Keeping you safe is one of Mike Young’s top priorities and he authored landmark legislation that gave Hoosiers the right to protect themselves, their homes and their property against any unlawful entry by the government or any other person.
As Chairman of the Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee, he’s been a leader in making sure we keep our most dangerous and violent criminals behind bars to make our neighborhoods safer.
Mike has authored legislation to increase sentences for violent felons by 50%, increase sentences for those who threaten our police officers and is helping our local prosecutors deal combat the drug problem by giving them the tools they need to catch and detain the drug dealers that are harming our communities.
Strengthening Our Economy
Mike Young has fought to keep taxes low for Hoosiers, supported pro-growth policies to attract businesses and create jobs, and helped maintain honest balanced budgets and a strong budget surplus, which is helping Indiana better handle the negative economic impact from the coronavirus.
In recent years, Mike has voted to reduce income taxes, repeal the Death Tax and supported job training programs to help get people back to work in high-wage, high-demand fields.
During these uncertain times, Mike is working with the governor to bring common sense solutions to safely reopen our economy and help provide some economic security to our families who are struggling during this pandemic.
Improving Education
Mike’s approach to improving education is to put our children, parents and teachers first. He believes our schools need to be well-funded and that teachers need the freedom to teach. In the last two budgets along, he voted to provide a record funding increases to our schools - $1.4B – without raising taxes while also supporting efforts to pay our teachers more.
Mike is working to direct more dollars to the classrooms so that teachers and students have the support they need to provide a world-class education. He also firmly believes we need to reduce unnecessary regulatory requirements on teachers, so they have more freedom to teach.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Mike has supported allowing parents and local schools decide what is best for reopening schools and keeping our children and students safe.
Improving the Lives of Hoosiers
Mike has passed legislation that has significantly impacted and improved the lives of Hoosiers.
He has authored a bill to protect our most vulnerable citizens from being targets of financial crimes.
In 2019, he authored Gabriel’s Law which requires the state to test children at birth for certain diseases. This bill passed in record time and allowed the child and his parents to be present at the Governor’s bill signing one week before the child passed away.
Upon learning of a local case where an area college student went missing and police were limited by outdated state laws that prevented an immediate search for her; Mike sponsored legislation that changed this and ensured it would not happen again.
Effective Local Leadership
During his time in public service, Mike has been committed to his duty of representing his constituents.
He has repeatedly stood up to leaders of both parties in state government to protect local control of area schools, libraries and fire service.
Mike has fought to protect road funding for our local cities and towns. He has ensured that the tax dollars you pay for infrastructure help maintain and build the local roads, streets and bridges in our communities.
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